Home Postgraduate Studies Curriculum 

Students in each specialisation of the Programme are required to: - successfully attend nine 10-ECTS courses (compulsory and elective),
- successfully defend a 30-ECTS Postgraduate Diploma Thesis,
- participate in research seminars and lectures by invited speakers, and
- assist in activities of the Department, such as examinations, tutorials, workshops, etc.
The language of instruction is Greek. However, the instruction may also be given in English or French for Erasmus students, depending on the course.

Curriculum structure
The nine courses of the Curriculum, both compulsory and elective, are spread over the first three semesters. The Thesis is designed in the third semester and completed in the fourth. More specifically: - Semester 1: three courses (one compulsory, two elective)
- Semester 2: three courses (one compulsory, two elective)
- Semester 3: three courses (one compulsory, two elective)
- Semester 4: Postgraduate Diploma Thesis Each course is offered in a three-hour lecture per week. Attendance is compulsory, whereas a maximum of two absences per course are allowed.
The method of students’ performance assessment (e.g., exams, assignments, etc.) may vary depending on the course.

The courses and the information about them can be found here.

Postgraduate Diploma Thesis
Students must undertake a Postgraduate Diploma Thesis during the last year of their studies. Each student prepares their thesis individually, supervised by a member of the Department with supervision right. When students complete their Thesis, they must submit it and defend it in a public oral examination by a three-member Examination Committee. The Committee is appointed by the Department’s Assembly and consists of the Thesis Supervisor and two co-examiners with relevant scientific fields.

Attendance time
The minimum attendance time in the Programme is four academic semesters, and the maximum is six. If they have documented reasons for being unable to attend the Programme, students may request a suspension of studies for at most two semesters.

Postgraduate Studies Diploma award
Graduates of the Programme acquire a Postgraduate Studies Diploma in Educational Sciences, with the specialisation in which they were admitted. The Diplomas of the Programme are awarded at least twice a year, at the same time as the Diplomas of all UPatras Postgraduate Studies Programmes.

Certification of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence
The Postgraduate Studies Diploma of the Programme gives the professional status of a Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Certificate.