Home Staff Andromachi Filippidi ( )

Ανδρομάχη Φιλιππίδη
Andromachi Filippidi

Tel. : 2610962437

Sector : Division of Theoretical and Applied Pedagogy


Andromachi Filippidi is a Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education at the University of Patras. She graduated from the Department of Early Childhood Education and Education Sciences of the University of Patras. Her doctoral thesis is in the field of Education Sciences and specifically in the use of ICT in Higher Education (scholarship from the Heraclitus II programme). She worked as a kindergarten teacher in public Primary Education from 2010 to 2022, and as a Lecturer at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras within the framework of the Programme "Acquisition of Academic Teaching Experience for Young Scientists with a PhD". She is one of the instructors of the Early Childhood Education Curriculum, the Kindergarten Teacher's Guide: Compass-Theoretical and Methodological Framework and the Training Materials for the Curriculum and Support Materials, under the respective IEP actions (MIS 5035542 and MIS 5035543, respectively). She has been working in research in Greek and European projects since 2005 until today. She is a postdoctoral researcher and member of the ICT in Education Research Group, which operates within the Laboratory of Science Teaching. Projects in progress: AugMentor, Digital School (Pre-school Education), Assess@Learning.

Research interests

Her research interests focus on the description of human teaching and learning activity when mediated by computational and digital technologies in the field of Early Childhood and Higher Education. In the field of applied research, her main field of study concerns the design of technologies that enhance learning and teaching as well as the issues of training teachers in the pedagogical uses of learning technologies. She has published research papers in Greece and abroad, in scientific journals and conference proceedings.