Home Staff Nikolaos Tselios ( Professor )


He holds a Ph.D in Usability Engineering (2002) and a Diploma (1997) from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras,Greece. His main research interests are Educational Technology, Human Computer Interaction, user interface design and evaluation of educational software, usability evaluation methodologies, e-learning, user/student modelling and intelligent user interfaces. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, ACM, Greek Artificial Intelligence Organization and Greek society of ICT in Education.
Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education Department at the University of Patras and a Consulting Professor at the Hellenic Open University. Also, since 2009 he teaches Human Computer Interaction in the joint postgraduate program offered by the Athens Technological Educational Institute and the University of Limoges. He teaches four courses related to usage of computers in education: ‘Introduction to computers’, ‘Advances topics and uses of Informatics in education’, ‘Basic services and pedagogical usages of the Internet’, ‘Design and evaluation of educational software’. He has over 115 publications in international and greek journals (among which 37 articles are published in international journals among which 33/37 are being indexed in the Web of Science) and conferences with more than 3600 citations and hirsch index=27 /i-10 index=55 /g index = 53 (October 2023).

He is a member of the HCI team of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Patras.

Studies: Ph.D. (2002) and Diploma (1997) of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Patras. Title of PhD thesis: ‘Advanced usability evaluation techniques of educational software’. Diploma thesis: ‘Computer aided Educational Systems, application in a laboratory course of electric machines’.
English, French,Italian

Best student of Korinthia’s county (1988) with a degree of 19 8/12. Distinction from Hellenic Mathematician’s Society (1987) and Greek Physician’s Society (1990). Member of the Hellenic Volleyball National Team under 17 (1989). 2 Greek championships in the Pan-Hellenic volleyball academic championship (1996,1997).
Educational Experience
1) Adjunct Associate Professor (2004-2005) and Adjunct Lecturer (2003-2004) at the Early Childhood Education Department at University of Patras. He teaches four courses related to usage of computers in education. ‘Introduction to computers’, ‘Advances topics and uses of Informatics in education’, ‘Basic services and pedagogical issues of the Internet’, ‘Design and evaluation of educational software’.
2) Laboratory and education support and teaching for graduate and postgraduate courses at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Patras. (Introduction in Computer Science I, Human Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics, 1998-2002).
3) Course organizer and speaker in seminars on internet security and usability of the Technical Chamber Greece (June 2000).
4) Course organizer and speaker in summer course (Best 2000). Topic: Usability engineering and the internet.
5) Speaker in ΙΕΕΕ Student Branch Symposium. Topic: ‘Information search theories for the World Wide Web’.
6) Speaker in the Multimine Activity. Topic: "Models of Information Foraging for the World Wide Web".
7) Invited speaker from the Municipality of Xylokastro. Topic ‘Safe internet for young and adults’, in the frame of Paneuropean safe internet celebration day (9/2/2005).

Professional Experience
1) Administrator of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Patras. (10/1999-3/2001).
2) Member of the design and implementation team of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Web Portal (www.ee.upatras.gr). Project financed from EPEAEK (1998 and 2001).
3) Design and implementation of a web based educational system (www.ee.upatras.gr/cbtkernel), in the frame of the Leonardo Pilot Project (1998-1999).
4) Design and evaluation of a multimedia educational software for Environmental Education. Action financed from the Ministry of Education and National Youth Foundation (2001 -2002).
5) Design, evaluation and maintenance of a web portal for the Hellenic Network of excellence in the area of Human Computer Interaction (www.ee.upatras.gr/hci , 1998 - 2001).
6) Designing and evaluation of a web portal for the 1st Panhellenic Conference with International participation in the area of Human Computer Interaction (www.ee.upatras.gr/pchci2001). Member of the Organizing Committee.
7) Research scientist in the Greek Army, unit of Research and Information Technology (2002-2003). Military service in the office of research of information technology of the 79 th Brigade (Vathy, Samos) and in the Centre of Information Technology Support of the Greek Army (KEPYES) in the Ministry of National Defence, Pentagon, Athens.
Participation in research programmes
16) Participant in the ΙΑ-3 workgroup with topic, ` User centered methods of design and usability practices: repercussions in e-business’. Ebusiness Forum, Ministry of Development, Operational Program ‘Information Society’.
15) Definition of usability plan, interaction design, pedagogical model and requirements specification in the frame of the project "Design and Implementation of a Modern Asynchronous Teletraining Platform" in the frame of the action 3.4, operation programme for Western Greece 2000-2006 entitled "Consortia of Research and Technological Growth in sectors of National Priority".
14) Definition of usability evaluation plan in the frame of QALIBRA (Quality of life - integrated benefit and risk analysis) project coordinated by Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories and supported by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, contract number FOOD-CT-2006-022957.
13) Conceptual design for the project ‘Supporting the visitors of Solomos Museum’, 2006-2008. The goal is to provide navigation and educational support through a PDA context aware application as well as a web site that will allow access to information about the museum and the surroundings, visit preparation, educational activities visit planning and also digital repository administration.
12) Researcher in the project Hybrid Libraries: Advanced Systems and Services for accessing virtual and physical information space 2005-2008. Project to investigate advanced context aware computing infrastructure for libraries.
11) Postdoctoral research fellow (2005-2006). The project aim is to investigate predictive models of information seeking behaviour in the World Wide Web. The proposed approach will build upon current theoretical cognitive models, such as information foraging. Research project title: ‘Human Computer Interaction: Research and development of predictive information foraging models in the World Wide Web’. Program Pythagoras II: Support of Universities 'Research Groups- Ministry of Education).
10) Researcher in the project «Demetra: Development of Environmental Modules for Evaluation of Toxicity of pesticide Residues in Agriculture» (2003-2007).
9) Design, implementation, and evaluation of an open problem solving software (interactive flow chart tutoring tool) in the frame of the project ‘Algorithms and Programming’, main project “Pleiades-Niriides”. Funded by the Information Society Organization, Activity 1.2: ‘Introduction and Exploitation of the New Technologies in Education’.
8) Scientific partner and consultant of the Hellenic Open University (2003-).
7) Contractor of research funding Praxe (act) 2002-50: Utilization of ipreti technology. Method for automatic text input in digital devices with a restricted number of keys. General Secretary of Research and development, (2002-2004).
6) Researcher in the area of Human Computer Interaction, HCI Group, University of Patras (2003-). 5) Requirements specification, user interface design, and usability evaluation in the frame of the research program «IST-2000-25385-Modelling Space», funded by the European Union (2001 - 2004).
4) Researcher in Joint Greek Italian Research Program. Usability Evaluation Techniques for Web Applications. Case study on Distance Learning, Cultural heritage and Medical Information Systems (2001-2003).
3) Researcher, in the frame of the project "Penelope: Model’s Creation". Project funded from Institute of Technology of Computers (2001-2002).
2) Researcher, in the frame of the project "IST -2000-25385- Modelling Space ". Project funded from European Union (2001 - 2002).
1) Design and implementation of a management information system to support postgraduate courses of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Project funded from EPEAEK (1999).

Knowledge of environments /tools to design and implement applications
Strong experience in software programming in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and .NET, embedded visual basic (evb), Visual basic for applications, Visual basic Script, Ansi SQL and microsoft SQL, Access, Sql Server, HTML, XML, Fortran javascript. Small experience in microsoft C ++, Turbo pascal, Borland Delphi,Macromedia Director.

Research interests

Educational Technology, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Learning Analytics, e-learning acceptance, wiki-based learning, mobile learning, Web Science, Social Computing.


Αβούρης, Ν., Κατσάνος, Χ., Τσέλιος, Ν., & Μουστάκας, Κ., Εισαγωγή στην Αλληλεπίδραση Ανθρώπου Υπολογιστή, Πάτρα, Πανεπιστημίο Πατρών, 2016 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Συρμακέσσης, Σ., & Τσέλιος, Ν., Αλληλεπίδραση Ανθρώπου Υπολογιστή, Πάτρα, Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, 2016 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Αβούρης, Ν., Κατσάνος, Χ., Τσέλιος, Ν., & Μουστάκας, Κ., Εισαγωγή στην αλληλεπίδραση ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή, Αθήνα, Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών, 2015 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Τσέλιος, Ν., Εισαγωγή στην Επιστήμη του Ιστού: Βασικές Υπηρεσίες και Παιδαγωγικές χρήσεις του Διαδικτύου, Αθήνα, Κλειδάριθμος, 2007 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Τσέλιος, Ν. & συνεργάτες, Βασικές Υπηρεσίες και Παιδαγωγικές Χρήσεις του Διαδικτύου, Πάτρα, Πανεπιστημίο Πατρών, 2006 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Τσέλιος, Ν., Σύγχρονες εφαρμογές των ΤΠΕ στην Εκπαίδευση, Πάτρα, Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, 2006 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Book chapters

Altanopoulou, P., Katsanos, C., & Tselios, N., 2014, Effectiveness of Wiki-Based Learning in Higher Education, Karagiannidis, P., Politis, P., & Karasavvidis, I., Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education: Technological, Pedagogical and Instructional Perspectives, Berlin, Springer-Verlag

Tselios, N., Katsanos, C., Kahrimanis, G., & Avouris, N., 2007, Design and Evaluation of Web-based Learning Environments using Information Foraging Models, C. Pahl (Ed.), Architecture Solutions for E-Learning Systems, None, IDEA Publishing

Papachristos, E., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2006, Modeling perceived value of color in web sites, I.P. Vlahavas & C.D. Spyropoulos, Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in AI, LNAI no. 2308, Berlin, Springer-Verlag

Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2005, Usability Evaluation of instructional systems: Overview of suitable techniques for different pedagogical approaches, P. Retalis (Ed.), The Advanced Technologies of Internet in the Service of Learning, Athens, Kastaniotis

Papachristos, E., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2005, Inferring relations between color and emotional dimensions of a web site using Bayesian Networks, F. Costabile & F. Paterno, Interact 2005, LNCS No 3585, Berlin, Springer Verlag

Τσέλιος, Ν., & Αβούρης, Ν., 2005, Aξιολόγηση ευχρηστίας διδακτικών συστημάτων: Επισκόπηση τεχνικών με βάση διαφορετικές μαθησιακές προσεγγίσεις, Σ. Ρετάλης (Επιμ.), Οι Προηγμένες Τεχνολογίες Διαδικτύου στην Υπηρεσία της Μάθησης, Αθήνα, Καστανιώτης

Tselios, N.K., & Avouris, N.M., 2003, Cognitive Task Modeling for system design and evaluation of non-routine task domains, E. Hollnagel (Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Task Design, Amsterdam, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Avouris, N., Tselios, N., Fidas, C., & Papachristos, E., 2003, Website evaluation: A usability-based perspective, Manolopoulos et al. (Ed.), Advances in Computer Science, LNCS No 2563, Berlin, Springer Verlag

Maragoudakis, M., Tselios, N.K., Fakotakis, N., & Avouris, N.M., 2002, Improving SMS usability using Bayesian Networks, I.P. Vlahavas & C.D. Spyropoulos (Eds.), Methods and Applications of Artificial Intell, Berlin, Springer-Verlag

Hellenic Journals

Αλτανοπούλου, Π., & Τσέλιος, Ν., 2016, Προσωπικότητα και ακαδημαϊκή επίδοση στο πλαίσιο της Τεχνολογικά Διαμεσολαβούμενης Μάθησης Θέματα Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας στην Εκπαίδευση 9

Λούτου, Σ., Τσέλιος, Ν., & Αλτανοπούλου, Π., 2015, Η επίδραση της χρήσης του Τwitter στο μαθησιακό αποτέλεσμα και στην εμπλοκή των μανθανόντων: Μια μελέτη περίπτωσης Θέματα Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας στην Εκπαίδευση 8

International Journals

Katrimpouza, A., Tselios, N., & Kasimati, M.C., 2019, Twitter adoption, students' personality and academic performance: Lessons learned from 3 case studies, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56

Revythi, A., & Tselios, N., 2019, Extension of Technology Acceptance Model by using System Usability Scale to assess behavioral intention to use e-learning, Education and Information Technologies 24

Sapsani, G., & Tselios, N., 2019, Facebook use, personality characteristics and academic performance: A case study, International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching 14

Pitsolanti, M., Papadopoulou, F., & Tselios, N., 2018, Evaluation of 50 Greek Science and Engineering University Departments using Google Scholar, Journal of Scientometric Research 7

Altanopoulou, P., & Tselios, N., 2018, Personality and academic learning in wiki-mediated collaborative activities: Evidence from four case studies, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) 16

Kotsiantis, S., Tselios, N., & Xenos, M., 2017, Students’ evaluation of Tutors in distance education: A Quasi-longitudinal study, International Journal of Learning Technology 12 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Kakaraki, S., Tselios, N., & Katsanos, C., 2017, Internet addiction, academic performance and personality characteristics: A correlational study among university students, International Journal of Learning Technology 12 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Altanopoulou, P., & Tselios, N., 2017, Assessing acceptance toward wiki technology in the context of Higher Education, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 18 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Altanopoulou, P., Tselios, N., Katsanos, C., Georgoutsou, M., & Panagiotaki, A., 2015, Wiki-mediated activities in higher education: Evidence-based analysis of learning effectiveness across three studies, Educational Technology & Society 18

Orfanou, K., Tselios, N., & Katsanos, C., 2015, Perceived Usability Evaluation of Learning Management Systems: Perceived usability evaluation of learning management systems: empirical evaluation of the system usability scale, The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL) 16

Siambou, F., Komis, V., & Tselios, N., 2014, Online versus face-to-face collaboration in the context of a computer-supported modeling task, Computers in Human Behavior special issue ‘Web-2.0 technologies in support of open, team-based learning and innovation’

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., Goncalves, J., Juntunen, T., & Kostakos, V., 2014, Multipurpose Public Displays: Can Automated Grouping of Applications and Services Enhance User Experience?, International Journal of Human Computer Interaction 30

Kostakos, V., Kukka, H., Goncalves, J., Tselios, N., & Ojala, T., 2013, Multipurpose public displays: How shortcut menus affect usage, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 33

Altanopoulou, P., Dontsidou, M., & Tselios, N., 2012, Evaluation of 93 major Greek University Departments using Google Scholar, Quality in Higher Education 18 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., Tsakoumis, A., & Avouris, N., 2012, Learning about web accessibility: A project based tool-mediated approach, Education and information technologies 17 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Tselios, N., Daskalakis, S., & Papadopoulou, M., 2011, Assessing the technology acceptance of a blended learning University Course, Journal of Educational Technology & Society 14 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Daskalakis, S., & Tselios, N., 2011, Evaluating e-learning initiatives: A literature review on methods and research frameworks, International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) 6

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2010, Evaluation Web site Navigability: Validation of a tool-based approach through two eye-tracking studies, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 16 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2010, A survey of tools supporting design and evaluation of websites based on models of human information interaction, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) 19 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2008, Designing the information architecture of a Web site using Latent Semantic Analysis, Interacting with computers 20

Tselios, N., & Maragoudakis, M., 2005, Method and apparatus for automatic text input insertion in digital devices with a restricted number of keys, Greek Industrial Property Organisation, Athens None

Tselios, N., Avouris, N., & Kordaki, M., 2002, Student Task Modeling in design and evaluation of open problem-solving environments, Journal of Education and Information Technologies 7

Tselios, N., Avouris, N., Dimitracopoulou, A., & Daskalaki, S., 2001, Evaluation of Distance-learning Environments: Impact of Usability on Student Performance, International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 7

Avouris, N.M., Tselios, N.K., & Tatakis, E.C., 2001, Development and evaluation of a computer-based laboratory teaching tool, Journal Computer Applications in Engineering Education 9

Katsanos, C., Xenos, M., Tselios, N., & Karousos, N., , Tool-mediated HCI modelling instruction: evidence from three studies, Behaviour & Information Technology None

Alexandrakis, D., Chorianopoulos, K., & Tselios, N., , Older adults and web 2.0 storytelling technologies: Probing the Technology Acceptance Model through an age-related perspective, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction None

Hellenic Conferences

Τσέλιος, Ν., Βιολατζή, A.M., Γιαννοπούλου, Χ., Γιαχαλη, Θ., Γκολφινοπούλου, Θ., Δημοπούλου, Γ., Κουκουλάκη, Μ., Μουτάφη, Ε., Παπαδοπούλου, Φ., Παπανεοφυτου, Δ., Πιτσολάντη, Μ.Λ., Ρούσσου, Ε., Σαψάνη, Γ., Σούγκα, Ι., Σπανογιάννη, Δ., Τζάνη, Α., Τυροβολά, Δ., & Χρυσικού, Ε., 2016, 10ο Πανελλήνιο και Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Οι ΤΠΕ στην Εκπαίδευση», Συνεργατική Βιβλιομετρική Αξιολόγηση Ελληνικών Πανεπιστημιακών Τμημάτων Εκπαίδευσης, None, None, Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, 23 - 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Αλτανοπούλου, Π., & Τσέλιος, Ν., 2016, 10ο Πανελλήνιο και Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Οι ΤΠΕ στην Εκπαίδευση», Προσωπικότητα και μάθηση σε διαμεσολαβούμενες από wiki συνεργατικές δραστηριότητες: Συμπεράσματα από 3 μελέτες περίπτωσης, None, None, Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, 23 – 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., Karousos, N., & Xenos, M., 2015, 19th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Learning Web Form Design by using KLM Form Analyzer: A case study, None, None, Athens, 1-3 Oct.

Αλτανοπούλου, Π., & Τσέλιος, Ν., 2014, Πρακτικά Εργασιών 9ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου με Διεθνή Συμμετοχή «Τεχνολογίες της Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών στην Εκπαίδευση», Πώς η προσωπικότητα επηρεάζει τη μάθηση σε συνεργατικές δραστηριότητες με τη χρήση wikis;, Ρέθυμνο, None, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, 3-5 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Τσέλιος, Ν., Γεωργούτσου, Μ., & Παναγιωτάκη, M.A., 2011, 2ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο «Ένταξη και χρήση των ΤΠΕ στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία», Διερεύνηση της μαθησιακής αποτελεσματικότητας μιας βασισμένης σε wiki δραστηριότητας στο πλαίσιο της εκπαίδευσης σε ΤΠΕ, None, None, Πάτρα, 28-30 Απριλίου 2011

Τσέλιος, Ν., & Αλτανοπούλου, Π., 2011, 2ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο «Ένταξη και χρήση των ΤΠΕ στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία», Αξιολόγηση Ελληνικών Πανεπιστημιακών Τμημάτων Εκπαίδευσης με τη χρήση του Google Scholar και του δείκτη h, None, None, Πάτρα, 28-30 Απριλίου 2011 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Tselios, N., Altanopoulou, P., & Katsanos, C., 2011, Proceedings of PCI 2011, 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Effectiveness of a framed wiki-based learning activity in the context of HCI education, None, None, Kastoria, 30 September - 2 October

Fidas, C., Katsanos, C., Papachristos, L., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2007, Proceedings of 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Remote usability evaluation: A survey of existing tools, None, None, Patras, 8-10 May (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Tselios, N., Komninou, M., & Avouris, N., 2002, Proc. 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Volume I, Usability of Educational Software: Problems and Proposals, None, None, Rhodes, September, 2002

Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2002, Proc. 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Volume I, Recognizability of iconic representations in educational software, None, None, Rhodes, 26th-29th September

Tselios, N.K., Feidas, C., & Avouris, N.M., 2001, Proceedings of 8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Usability evaluation of web based applications, None, None, Nicosia, 8-10 November

Tselios, Ν.K., Maragoudakis, M., Avouris, Ν.M., Fakotakis, N., & Kordaki, Μ., 2001, Proc. 5th Panhellenic Conference with international participation in Didactics of Mathematics and Informatics in Education, Automatic diagnosis of student problem solving strategies using Bayesian Networks, None, Aristotle Univ. Publication, Thessaloniki, October, 2001

Avouris, N., Solomos, K., & Tselios, N., 2001, Proc. 1st Panhellenic Conference in Open and Distance Learning, vol 1, The web as an open and distance learning delivery environment: alternative mechanisms for quality control, Patras, Hellenic Open University Press, Patras, May 2001

Tselios, N.K., Avouris, N.M., & Fotopoulos, E., 2000, Proceedings 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Education, Usability evaluation of educational software supporting distance learning, None, None, Patras, October 2000

Kordaki, Μ., Avouris, Ν.M., & Tselios, Ν.K., 2000, Proceedings of 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Education, Tools and methodologies for evaluation of open learning environments, None, None, Patras, October 2000

International Conferences

Alexandrakis, D., Chorianopoulos, K., & Tselios, N., 2020, Proceedings of PETRA '20 (The 13th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference), Implicit factors related to Greek older adults’ perceived usability: An exploratory study, None, None, Corfu, Greece, June 30 - July 3

Vlachogianni, P., Tselios, N., & Xenos, M., 2020, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Perceived usability of Learning Management Systems and University Websites: A systematic review, None, None, Zagreb, Croatia, 23 – 25 July 2020

Alexandrakis, D., Chorianopoulos, K., & Tselios, N., 2019, IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Insights on Older Adults’ Attitudes and Behavior Through the Participatory Design of an Online Storytelling Platform, None, Springer, Cuprys, Paphos, None

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., Avouris, N., Demetriadis, S., Stamelos, I., & Angelis, L., 2019, Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Cross-study Reliability of the Open Card Sorting Method, LBW2718, ACM, None, None

Katsanos, C., Xenos, M., & Tselios, N., 2018, HCI International 2018, Tool-mediated HCI Modeling Instruction in a Campus-based Software Quality Course, None, None, Las Vegas, Nevada, 15-20 July 2018

Altanopoulou, P., & Tselios, N., 2015, 9th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Communication Technologies and Learning, How does personality affect wiki-mediated learning?, None, None, Thessaloniki, Greece, 19-20 November

Karousos, N., Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Xenos, M., 2013, CHI 2013 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, Effortless tool-based evaluation of web form filling tasks using Keystroke Level Model and Fitts’ law, None, ACM, Paris, April 27 – May 2 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Katsanos, C., Karousos, N., Tselios, N., Xenos, M., & Avouris, N., 2013, Proceedings of the 14th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, Interact 2013, KLM Form Analyzer: Automated evaluation of Web form filling tasks using human performance models, None, Springer Verlag, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013

Raptis, D., Tselios, N., Kjeldskov, J., & Skov, M., 2013, Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2013, Does size matter? Investigating the impact of mobile phone screen size on users’ perceived usability, task completion time and rate, None, ACM Press, Munich, Germany, August 27-30, 2013

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, Interact 2009, Are 10 users enough for measuring information scent?, None, LNCS, Springer Verlag, Upssala, August 24-28, 2009 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, Interact 2009, Investigating the effect of varying scent on user’s web behavior, None, LNCS, Springer Verlag, Upssala, Sweden, August 24-28, 2009 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2008, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, AutoCardSorter: Designing the information architecture of a Web site using Latent Semantic Analysis, None, None, Florence, Italy, 5-10 April 2008

Tselios, N., Katsanos, C., & Avouris, N., 2007, Conference Workshop Are New Methods needed in User-Centered System Design? Interact, 2005, Beyond user centered design: A web design approach based on information foraging theory, None, None, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10-14 September 2007 (επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο)

Papachristos, E., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2006, 4th Pan-Hellenic conference with International participation on artificial intelligence, Modeling perceived value of color in web sites, Crete, Greece, None, Crete, Greece, 18-20 May

Papachristos, E., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2006, ECAI, The 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian modeling of color’s usage impact to web credibility, Italy, None, Riva del Garda, Italy, Aug 28th - Sept 1st 2006

Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2006, OZCHI-2006. Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG), InfoScent Evaluator: A semi-automated tool to evaluate hyperlinks’ semantic appropriateness of a web site, None, None, Sydney, Australia, 20-24 November 2006

Avouris, N., Tselios, N., & Fiotakis, C., 2005, Conference Workshop on HCI design patterns: Mapping User Needs into Interaction Design Solutions. Interact, 2005, From Patterns of Use to Design Patterns: A Method for producing new design patterns from user activities, None, None, Rome, 12-16 September 2005

Raptis, D., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N., 2005, 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Mobile HCI), Context-based design of mobile applications for museums: A Survey of existing practices, None, None, Salzburg, Austria, 19-22 September 2005

Stoica, A., Tselios, N.K., & Fidas, C., 2001, 1st Panhellenic Conference with International participation, Adaptive user support in educational environments: A Bayesian Network approach, None, None, Patras, Greece, 7-9 December, 2001

Tselios, N.K., Avouris, N.M., & Kordaki, M., 2001, 1st Panhellenic Conference with International participation, Cognitive modeling tool : supporting student interaction modeling of open problem solving educational environments, None, None, Patras, Greece, 7-9 December, 2001

Avouris, N., Tselios, N., & Tatakis, E., 1999, Electromotion conference, Computer assisted teaching of electrical machines: software evaluation techniques, None, None, Patras, None