Home Doctoral Studies Academic requirements


Moreover, Doctoral candidates are expected to attend specific courses if their Supervisor suggests so.

Three-member Advisory Committee
The three-member Advisory Committee includes the Doctoral candidate's Supervisor and two other members from scientific fields related to the Doctoral Thesis. It is appointed by the Assembly of the Department, and its role is to support the Doctoral candidate and monitor their progress while preparing and writing their Doctoral Thesis. Its appointment date marks the official starting date for the Doctoral Thesis preparation.

Attendance time
The minimum time for the award of a Doctoral Degree is three calendar years from the date of the Advisory Committee’s appointment, and the maximum is six. If they have documented reasons for being unable to attend the Programme, Doctoral candidates may apply once for a suspension of their studies for a maximum of two years.

Progress Reports
Doctoral candidates are required to submit a written Progress Report of their Doctoral Thesis each year and present it orally before their Advisory Committee; the report is placed in their file.

Conferences and publications
Doctoral candidates are encouraged to participate in research seminars and scientific conferences. Moreover, they are required to publish in proceedings of scientific conferences, edited volumes, or scientific journals.

Support work
Doctoral candidates are expected to provide support work concerning examinations, tutorials, workshops, etc., at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, when needed.

Doctoral Thesis Defense
When the Doctoral candidate has completed the Thesis writing, they apply for public defense and evaluation. After the approval of the Advisory Committee, the Department Assembly appoints a seven-member Examination Committee. The latter includes the three members of the Advisory Committee and four other members with scientific fields related to the Thesis. The Doctoral candidate defends their Thesis in public before the seven-member Examination Committee. The Committee evaluates the Thesis on specific criteria and finally classifies it as successful or failed.

Doctoral Degree Award
After successfully defending their Thesis before the seven-member Examination Committee, the Doctoral candidate submits the supporting documents described in the Programme Regulations to the Secretariat. The Assembly of the Department proceeds to the award the Doctoral Degree. The swearing-in and conferral ceremony, as well as the type of the Doctoral Degree follow the standards of the Senate Decisions.