Course : (ESC_905) Movement Play and Physical Literacy
Curriculum :

Course objectives: The course is related to the practicum in kindergartens. The students attending this laboratory course are invited to:
• attain the indispensable theoretical foundations and practical experiences to effectively teach and animate movement play considered as a means of communication, learning and development in early years,
• experience play as a means of activating children, liberating their imagination and nourishing their psychomotor expression,
• to realise the value of physical literacy throughout the lifecourse.

Outline :

Course content: The following themes are examined:
• Theories and kinds of play
• Early physical literacy
• Physical literacy and education
• Motor development and motor skills
• Movement play
• Kinds of movement play (acquaintance, physical abilities and motor skills, rhythmic, cooperation, sensorimotor, imitation, relaxation, concentration, imagination)
• Traditional movement play
• Circus education
• Planning and organisation of movement play
• Organised environment (indoor and outdoor space, action space)
• Equipment and materials
• The educator as an animator

Teaching method: This is a practical course and take place in the day care centre of the University (music and movement room).
• Game implementation with the participation of students
• Lectures
• Workshop exercises for the design and construction of toys (individually, in groups) from useless, natural or industrial material
• Assignments writing (individually, in groups)
• Use of audiovisual, educational, and psychomotor materials
• Analysis, critical thinking, discussion
• Analysis, discussion

• Regular attendance to the course and active participation are considered necessary.
• There is an attendance limit.

Evaluation: The course is based on formative assessment during the semester and the final grade results from:
• Short individual and group assignments prepared during the semester (20%).
• Individual assignment related to the practicum. The assignment mainly concerns improvised original motor games, inspired by the semester’s themes and based on a special educational goal (30%).
• Final written exams (50%).

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