Course : (ESC_650) Designing multilingual material in preschool education
Sector : Division of Theoretical and Applied Pedagogy
Teacher : Polyxeni (Peggy) Manoli
Semester : 6ο ( Mantatory )

Description : The goal of the course is to make students familiar with the design, development and application of educational material for the language subject in multicultural educational settings. By the end of the course students should be able to: • Understand the importance of integrating language diversity and taking advantage of preschol student linguistic repertoires with the aim to promote multilingualism and intercultutalism • become familiar with the use of proper teaching approaches and practices (multimodality, intertextuality, translanguaging, and identity texts) taking advantage of classroom multilingualism • become familiar with the design, development and application of multilingual educational material in preschool education • deal with the multilingual and multicultural classroom in preschol education

Outline : • Introductory: Βilingualism/multilingualism as a «natural» and diachronical phenomenon • Cummins theories focusing on the relation between bilingualism and education • “Language awareness”, a teaching and pedagogical approach of the Council of Europe • Methods and approaches to second language learning • Modern teaching practices of language and bilingualism (multimodality, intertextuality, translanguaging, identity texts) • Principles of designing educational material for multicultural educational settings • Designing multilingual educational material and the Curriculum of the preschool education • Applying a multilingual model of education through the discussion of specific examples of educational material implemented in multicultural classrooms in preschool and first grades of primary school

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