Course : (ESC_341) Literature in the Kindergarten
Sector : Division of Social Theory and Analysis
Teacher : Dimitris Politis
Semester : 7ο ( Mantatory )

Description : By the end of the course students: - (they) will have comprehended the necessity of the relationship between Literature and Preschool Education, - (they) will have been puzzled for the place of Literature for Children in the Curriculum (and timetable) Programme of Kindergarten, - (they) will have conceived the value of contribution Kindergarten teachers in the propagation of Literature for Children and in the contact of infants with the literary books, - (they) will have come in contact with various literary texts that are used more often in Kindergarten (Picture Books, Fairy-tales, Fables, Short-stories, Poetry, Theatre), - (they) might organize activities, judge by the literary texts mentioned above, and attempt interdisciplinary approaches of these texts. After the completion of the course, students will have developed further the ability: - to cultivate their critical attitude towards the literary texts and to comprehend the perceptional ways of these texts by kindergartners, - to conceive more completely and to develop more effectively the complex dynamics of literary texts in Kindergarten, - to extend their relationship with the various literary texts, which are used more at the instructive practices of Kindergarten, and to be sensitized more essentially in the subjects that infants seek more often in the literary stories, - to enrich their methods, by organizing literary activities and attempting interdisciplinary approaches that capture kindergartners ’ attention.

Outline : 1. The relationship between Literature and Preschool Education-General principles. 2. The place of Literature for Children in the Curriculum (and Timetable) Programme of Kindergarten. 3. The contribution of Kindergarten teachers in the distribution of Literature for Children and their role during the kindergartners’ contact with the literary texts. 4. The literary texts in Kindergarten: Picture Books, Fairy-tales, Fables, Short-stories, Poetry, Theatre. 5. Interdisciplinary literary activities (in connection with: Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Technology, Knowledge Books, Intercultural Education).

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